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Thousands of Austin Shows

Browse thousands of shows, sourced directly from the venues and updated nightly.

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Personalized Search

Discover shows that work with your schedule. Search by location, day of week, time of day, venues you love (or hate), and more. Track your favorites and save your searches for instant recall.

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Email and Calendar Subscriptions

Get updates about your favorite shows and saved searches, direct to your inbox or calendar. You choose what you want and when you want it.

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Made for Humans

Any device, any time of day, with nothing to download and no ads. Use light mode to see in the sun and dark mode to save your eyes at night.

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Our Process

  • Collect

    Every night we gather thousands of shows from dozens of venues in Austin and surrounding areas. New venues are added regularly.

  • Standardize

    We then clean up and organize the shows we collect into a consistent, searchable format.

  • Publish

    Shows are then filtered and pushed to your inbox, calendar, or just about anywhere else.

About Us

We are a small group of musicians and friends from Austin, TX who love going to shows. We combine our experience as performers and fans with technology to make it easier for people seeking shows to find them. Pushgig is a labor of love, built in our free time and funded from our own pockets because we use it ourselves.

Ask a question, suggest a new feature, or recommend a venue for us to add.
Or just say hello. We love talking about this stuff.